Readings & More
Empowered Astrology is an intuitive service focusing on empowering individuals and their relationships with others through the use of astrology and numerology. Click on the services below to book a reading with Vicky and gain insight into your birth chart, relationships, or yearly lunar transits.

Soul Purpose Reading
60 mins / $150
Combining Astrology and Numerology to guide you toward your calling in this lifetime.
What were you here to do? What makes your soul light up? What are your divine gifts and innate strengths? All of these questions will be answered, along with examining your challenges and areas in your life that need more tending to in order for you to life a more fulfilled life!​

90 mins / $222
A unique astrology and numerology reading that reveals soul connections, familial cosmic patterns, deepens understanding and provides personalized parenting tips based on you and your child’s birth charts!
What are your strengths together? Your challenges? How can you help each other grow? Where does that magic spark connect in your relationship? We’ll dive in, answering these questions and more. You’ll gather insight and guidance, helping you understand the dynamics of your relationship and helping you to begin to move more in sync with one another!
(This reading can be done for any child from birth-18 years old. It’s intended for one parent and one child. It’s geared toward parenting, however if you have a child who is interested, they can listen in if they’re 13 years or older.)

Your Child's Birth Chart Reading
45 mins / $100
Have you ever been curious of what your child's natal chart looks like? What types of themes and concepts will show up during their life? What's the direction the universe is pulling them toward & how can you support them to be the best version of themselves? During this reading we'll dive deep and look into your child's chart, helping you understand them on a spiritual level!
(This reading can be done for any child from birth-18 years old. It’s intended for one child. It’s geared toward parenting, however if you have a child who is interested, they can join if they’re 13 years or older.)

Moon Mapping
45 mins / $100
Did you know depending on your birth chart, different parts of your life become activated during the new and full moon? This service is a 12-month plan, designed to help prepare you for each month and moon phase, making it easier for you to manifest, rest, and work!